Media Studies Online


Capstone (EDT 520)

December 2023

In this full-day workshop, teachers will have the opportunity to explore how media and information literacy may be integrated across the curriculum and enhance existing learning activities. Teachers will develop a stronger understanding of the needs and definitions of media and information literacy and practice the analysis and application of decoding frameworks. By the end of this workshop, teachers will have specific resources and strategies for integrating media and information literacy into their curriculum and have the opportunity to develop a plan and receive feedback from colleagues.

Professional Inquiry Project (EDT 520)

November 2023

While educational video games have existed for decades (many people of my generation may have fond memories of playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego [1985] or Oregon Trail [1990]), “gamification” as a concept has arisen just in the past ten years. Although “gamified” educational applications have been widely embraced in many school settings, in the gaming world and within the fields of games studies and user interface (UX) design, gamification has been quite controversial and subject to harsh criticism. This project aims to develop a better understanding of the controversy and criticism of gamification through engaging in scholarship from several disciplines including educational technology, games studies, psychology, and dark patterns (or deceptive design). Through this research, I hope to develop the tools necessary to analyze how educational games or “gamified” educational apps employ “dark patterns” and manipulative design practices.

Learner Inquiry Project (EDT 520)

October 2023

This project aims to invite educational leaders and administrators to adopt an inquiry stance to the challenge of integrating media and information literacy into our core instruction and curriculum. Like many public school districts, there is not a comprehensive approach to media and information literacy instruction. Our district is currently writing our K-12 library and information skills learning goals based on the AASL Standards Framework for Learners. However, these standards and learning goals will likely still face the challenges of being perceived as something “extra.” With this in mind, the goal of this workshop is to engage colleagues into generating questions and brainstorming opportunities for media and information literacy instruction across the curriculum.